Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Casalinghe Porche Iphone

Samba player Amarok

Amarok and remote resources

As you probably noticed Amarok does not have built plug-in for the SMB protocol

, now begs the question - How to play music files located on another computer?
If these are shared resources of your Windows computer, or if the remote computer we have installed Samba and use it to share files, play them in Amarok is quite simple. We will not however play Amarok settings, because they do not find an answer. We
and install (if you do not have this package) package smbfs
smbmount . The syntax is:
mount-t smbfs-o username = user, password = pass / / Serer / udostepniony_zasob / local / directory
smbmount-o username = user, password = pass / / Serer / udostepniony_zasob / local / directory
After such "cosmetic" surgery add music files from a directory
/ local / directory directly into Amarok, and we can enjoy the music. Additionally, you can set the assembly of these resources during the system boot in another case, after reboot once again we have to use one of these commands.
If you are not sure of the name Use a remote resource Command
smbclient-U username-L servername . Both are in the smbclient package . After executing this command will show us the tree of Samba, or a list of resources when using smbclient.

Jaromir Świechowski


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