Thursday, January 3, 2008

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MathML - Presentation on Web pages


MathML markup language is a modern, well-suited for the presentation of mathematical content on the websites, it also enables conversion of symbolic expressions using scientific software (Computer algebra systems), such as Maple or Mathematica. MathML is a tool designed specifically to record athematic expressions (mostly of their construction) is recommended for this purpose by the WWW Consortium (W3C

). MathML is not part of XHTML, it is built like a separate language for XML-based XHTML. Do not expect so that everyone understands the marking scheme will be properly format the XHTML MathML expressions. However, all understood the XML browser should cope with MathML. For the correct interpretation of MathML You need to provide information about the syntax (DTD) and a line of content items (styles). Information of the elements and set the style to be transmitted via a browser command header XML.W3C language has developed recommendations for the direct deposition of elements of the language MathML in XHTML documents, they found expression in the formal specification known as XHTML 1.1 + MathML-2.0. MathML has two ways of marking: presentation and treściowy. The first one is focused primarily on the use of typography and the second - mainly to perform calculations.

Example for a circle equation

Notacja Prezentacyjna:
\u0026lt;math xmlns="" mode="display">
\u0026lt; msup> \u0026lt;mi> x \u0026lt;/ I> \u0026lt;mn> 2 \u0026lt;/ mn> \u0026lt;/ msup>
\u0026lt;mo> + \u0026lt;/ mo>
\u0026lt;msup> \u0026lt;mi> y \u0026lt;/ I> \u0026lt;mn> 2 \u0026lt;/ mn> \u0026lt;/ msup>
\u0026lt;/ mrow> <mo>=</mo> <msup><mi>R</mi><mn>2</mn></msup>

<math xmlns=""


<apply> <eq/>

<apply> <plus />
    <apply> <power />
         <cn>2</cn>         </apply>         <apply> <power />   
<apply> \u0026lt;power />
\u0026lt;ci> R \u0026lt;/ ci>
\u0026lt;cn> 2 \u0026lt;/ cn>
\u0026lt;/ apply>
\u0026lt;/ apply>
\u0026lt; ; / math>

Presentation MathML
to make a presentation to the XML document we use the styles, if there is no fixed style - there will be a presentation of an XML element. Today
can be used to create styles:
CSS - Cascading Style Sheets
- styles, JavaScript, and XSL
- styles of presentational language derived from XML
Even if we provide a style for your browser, you may find understand that some of it and the other not, for example:
Opera (v 7.21)
- understands very well the CSS styles, but does not implement XSL.

Internet Explorer - Problem with XSL transformations. They are disabled by default if the IE security located on a server other than the XML document. The solution is to put them in a directory that uses the XML transformations. In addition, it also has display problems. The solution is to install MathPlayer. It is available at:


- No fonts needed to display the formulas. The solution is to install them using the installer from the website:

generally can independently interpret the markup presentation, however, can not cope with markers treściowymi unless we provide the appropriate styles. Other browsers using the Gecko engine to display web pages, eg
Mozilla Suite (now in draft unsupported)
Firefox SeaMonkey
Netscape 6.x 7.x, 8.x (in parallel with motor Trident)
It supports a MathML-to such an extent as Mozilla.
There is also a problem with formatting via CSS - considerable reduction in the control order and the mutual position of boxes zawierającyh formatted expressions. For this reason, there are complete sets of styles for MathML written in XSL.

  • XHTML 1.1 + MathML-2.0;
  • The correct interpretation of the language elements of MathML in browsers such as
  • Amaya, Mozilla, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer with MathPlayer module can be achieved
  • follows:

name and MIME type of document:

    document file should be named with the extension xml or MML. This way to deliver information about the type of browser data in the MIME sense: it should be text / xml or application / xml for XHTML document with root element html and text / mathml in a situation where the file contains only
  • MathML expression, and the root element math. Of course you must take care of such a configuration server to send the headers.


Document Preamble:
The preamble must be included: the declaration of the XML version of the declaration of the code used information, the declaration sheet Style and the declaration of the document type definition DTD. We use the following header:

\u0026lt;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "iso-8859-2"?>
\u0026lt;? Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" href = "> \u0026lt;! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC" - / / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 / / EN "
" ">

\u0026lt;html xmlns =" \u200b\u200b "

xmlns: math = ""> followed these simple XHTML head and body elements. If the document uses only presentation MathML notation, it is enough to pmathml.xsl style. You must change the entry in the declaration of the stylesheet (pmathml.xsl mathml.xsl instead.) It's worth doing, because sending and processing will be shorter.


stylesheet processing problems in IE:

IE by default, refuses to be formatted XML document downloaded from a server based on a set that was downloaded from another machine. For this reason, the style sheets:

we need to copy to a directory on the server provides the document and modify the path in the preamble, so that the did not show:

\u0026lt;? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "iso-8859-2"?> \u0026lt;? xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" href = "[nazwa_katalogu_ze_stylami] / mathml. xsl "?>
\u0026lt;DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- / / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 / / EN"
\u0026lt; ; html xmlns = "" xmlns: math = "">

Problems with DTDs:

If we have problems just from the DTD it should again change the contents of the preamble:
\u0026lt;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "iso-8859- 2 "?>
\u0026lt;? Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" href = "[nazwa_katalogu_ze_stylami] / mathml.xsl?>
\u0026lt;! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC" - / / W3C / / DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 / / EN "
[nazwa_katalogu_z_DTD] / mathml.dtd">
\u0026lt;html xmlns = "" xmlns: math = "http://www.w3. org/1998/Math/MathML "> And as mentioned above, this time to put the sheets in the DTD directory on our server. While the file [nazwa_katalogu_z_DTD] / DTD mathml.dtd contains truncated, containing only the declarations of individuals.

Useful Links

Home Page

, The W3 Consortium
, 1998-2003

, Wofram
Research, 2003
  1. MathML - mathematical formulas on the Web , Magazine I-10, OWN
  2. School Publishing, 2002
  3. Peter Rowlett: MathML : the current state of play , 2003
  4. MathML In Mozilla , , 1998–2003
  5. MathML and Related Links , Learning and Teaching Support Network , 2003
  6. MathPlayer , Design Science , 1996–2003
  7. Welcome to Amaya
  8. , The W3 Consortium , 1998–2003 W3C Software list , The W3 Consortium
  9. Jaromir Świechowski

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[Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta] - Just to relax!

  • Lyric
    I had visions, i was in them
    I was looking into the mirror

    To see a little bit clearer

    Rottenness and evil in me And when i feel a bit naughty
    I run it up the flagpole and see who salutes
    (but no one ever does) I'm not sick but i'm not well And i'm so hot cause i'm in hell Been around the world and found That only stupid people are breeding The cretins cloning and feeding And i don't even own a tv
    Put me in the hospital for nerves
    And then they had to commit me
    You told them all i was crazy
    They cut off my legs now i'm an amputee, god damn you

    I'm not sick but i'm not well

    And i'm so hot cause i'm in hell
    I'm not sick but i'm not well
    And it's a sin to live so well
    I wanna publish zines
    And rage against machines
    I wanna pierce my tongue
    It doesn't hurt, it feels fine
    The trivial sublime
    I'd like to turn off time
    And kill my mind
    You kill my mind
    Paranoia paranoia
    Everybody's coming to get me
    Just say you never met me
    I'm going underground with the moles
    Hear the voices in my head
    I swear to god it sounds like they're snoring
    But if you're bored then you're boring
    The agony and the irony, they're killing me
    I'm not sick but i'm not well
    And i'm so hot cause I'm in hell I'm not sick
    but I'm not well
    And it's a sin to live so well

    Jaromir Świechowski

    Wednesday, January 2, 2008

    Humorous Wedding Koozies

    Apache 1.3 - Installation

    Apache 1.3 + Debian 4.1

    - Introduction -

    "Apache is the most widely used HTTP server on the Internet. In May 2006, its share among servers accounted for nearly 65%. In combination with an interpreter for the PHP scripting language and MySQL database, Apache is one of the most common environments in companies that offer a place on network servers. Netcraft, a company specializing in monitoring the Internet, in July 2007 examined more than 100 million Web sites. It turned out that the share Apache'aw Web server market now amounts to 48.42% and the share of Microsoft's IIS - 36.21. Similar studies in November 2005 showed that the Apache has a 71% market share and Microsoft less than 20%.
    Apache / PHP is a competitive platform for Microsoft's ASP.NET technology, based on the commercial IIS server. Along with PHP and MySQL database engine on Linux, Apache is called. LAMP platform (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). "

    [Source: (server)
    1). Install using apt-get

    After installing Debian, we have typically entered

    source file / etc / apt / sources.list . In this case, type in console:

    $ apt-get update

    $ apt-get ugrade
    $ apt-get install apache
    And it's basically the whole philosophy. Of course, if you want to install additional modules for Apache to enter:
    $ apt-get install libapache-mod-[module name]

    In order to check what modules are available from our sources type:
    $ apt-cache search libapache-mod

    And if we know what we are looking for something such as:
    $ apt-cache search libapache-mod
    And yet another way to install, this time with sources. After downloading the file from the source (eg apache_1.3.39.tar.gz) must be decompressed. After entering the appropriate command will extract the source of the current directory:

    Extracting. "Tar.gz"

    $ tar zxvf package.tar.gz

    Extracting "."

    $ tar package xvjf .

    Extracting. "bz"
    $ bunzip2

    Extracting. "gz" gunzip $ file.gz

    Then we need to configure the source (as regards the detailed description of the options available to invite you to read the file README.configure in the source directory).

    To see the available options, we can also write: $. / Configure - help

    So to configure the source type:
    $. / Configure

    then build a package with Apache using the command:

    $ make

    Please be patient as this may take a while. This time depends on the number of modules which załączymy.

    final step is to install - type in console:
    $ make install

    - Complete -

    Now just make sure that everything works as it should. For this purpose, we use the script located in the directory / etc / init.d. It is used as follows:
    $ / etc / init.d / httpd {start own needs, but it will be part of the next post.

    read the messages carefully especially if the installation fails!

    For installations with dpkg it may be a lack of other packages. Deb, which requires apache, then I recommend going on:
    If Install from sources mostly by typing
    . / configure
    turns out that we are missing some libraries or simply do not have installed the compiler (eg gcc

    .) Then when you set up the communications to be przyjżeć and robin doinstalowywać required libraries or programs. May prove useful *. log file from the source directory. Writes in it all the installation steps and showing the errors.

    Jaromir Świechowski