Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sins Punishable By Death In Old Testament

KUNVENO EN ROMO la 25an de majo ĈE OKAZO la 150a datreveno de naskiĝo de L.L. ZAMENHOF

conference in Rome on May 25 as part of the 150th Birthday of LL Zamenhof
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Italian Esperanto Federation Union of Italian Jewish Communities
Roma3 University - International Colloquium "Between East and West"

-1 Congress 1905 International Boulogne sur Mer (France)

Rome, May 25, 2009,

LAZZARO LUDOVICO Zamenhof, jew and a world citizen: interpreter of Jewish emancipation and liberation of peoples.

Conference on the occasion of the 150th Birthday of LL Zamenhof.

9.30 Opening

Renato Corsetti, president of FEI,

Magiar Victor, Head of Culture UCEI

Moderate Gisele Levy (UCEI library)

10.00 Freud, the rebirth of modern Hebrew and the dream of a universal language.

Prof. David Meghnagi

10.45 coffee break

11.15 If I had not jew ...... ......

Prof. Davide Astori

12.00 Debate

13.00 Conclusions

Rabbi Roberto Della Rocca, director of education and culture department UCEI

Work will take place at the Center for Bibliographical dell'UCEI, Lungotevere Sanzio, 5 Roma



Secretariat: Via Villoresi 38, 20143 Milano Tel / Fax 02.58100857, .

Renato Corsetti, renato.corsetti @ tel. 3286315655


Attachment (s) from Renato Corsetti
1 of 1 File (s)

Union of Italian Jewish Communities 4.doc

Zamenhof to Congress in 1905

plaque near the birthplace of Zamenhof in Białystok.
(now in Poland, while in Belarus Tsarist)

SEE HISTORICAL NOTES (right column below)

LAZZARO LUDOVICO Zamenhof, jew and a world citizen.
Conference May 25 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Zamenhof. 150 years ago was born a jew who has changed the lives of millions of people, most of 'different backgrounds and identities'. UNESCO launched the celebration last December 15 with a conference in Paris. In July, thousands of people paid homage in his city 's hometown, Bialystok (Poland) in which the earth 'Universal Congress of Esperanto, the international language by the doctor Ludwig Zamenhof, I try', offering a media-neutral, to unite the people then and now, also divided by language misunderstandings. "Notice of our Congress... We want to thank the best 'value to Zamenhof, but above all, we wish to propose an important witness in the current world needs believers of different faiths, from Islam to Buddhism, the Christianity, together with people of other faiths, with militant atheists who want to show that indeed there is a further possibility 'of dialogue, peace, understanding, "said recently the president of the Association Universal Esperanto Association, the Indian linguist Probal Das Gupta. "Perhaps the Esperanto not become 'the common second language in the world, but certainly the message that it intends to launch, deserves attention and support." In Italy the celebrations are open to the headquarters of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, Bibliographical Center dell'UCEI, Lungotevere Sanzio, 5 in Rome, at a conference organized by EILU Italian Esperanto Federation and the University Roma 3 - Colloquium International "Between East and West" entitled LAZZARO LUDOVICO Zamenhof, jew and a world citizen: interpreter of Jewish emancipation and liberation of peoples. work, moderated by Gisele Levy and open at 9:30 am on Monday 25 May by greetings Renato Corsetti, president of FEI, and Victor Magiar, councilor for culture UCEI, see the actions of Prof. David Meghnagi 's Universita 'di Roma 3, Freud, the rebirth of modern Hebrew and the dream of a universal language, and Prof. Davide Astori, University' di Parma, If I was not jew ..... At 13 concludes the work Rabbi Roberto Della Rocca, director of education and culture department UCEI. The Italian public has, therefore, an opportunity to pay tribute to one of the personalities 'humanity', as declared by UNESCO, and to seek advice on the worldview of its founder, the roots of that vision in the world of Eastern Europe and the current status of the Esperanto movement in Italy and Europe.
Esperanto Italy - FEI
Via Villoresi 38, 20143 Milano ,

ufficio.stampa@ esperantoitalia. it

Zamenhof tra i suoi collaboratori a Boulogne sur Mer



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