Friday, December 17, 2010

Mutiplication Table 100x100

civilization of mankind falls recently watching the news and everything that's happening in the world all flooding disasters, etc goes fair to say that civilization in general sense and the progress of your teens is not good, it is true some things are good but most carry only the destruction and chaos. At the present time in the era of pervasive technology in every area of \u200b\u200blife and wyręczaniu us in almost everything, most going to settle on the Internet without ever leaving the house is slowly becoming a society dependent on technology and everything that brings together, in the majority of it is not our choice and these are the expectations of the standards and the whole infrastructure of our lives someone has to live in this world. And thus we become very vulnerable in the event of the collapse of what kol age of the subjects of our daily life, the mere absence of electricity, gas, carries a huge change in our life where we are not used and do not give you advice in such cases, we get helpless as children seeking help and answers to what to do likewise in other cases, at the present time we have only two choices, or we will become totally dependent on society, technology, and so what will eventually lead us to doom not some disaster but slowly destroy ourselves, or we pay more attention to the developed countries of what I can do even without the comforts of civilization ... However, there are few such sites already on the ground where people are more able to appreciate the survival in the wild than technical innovations, as civilized people we are trying to ensure that all such were not counting the consequences of our business and we try to all delight in strength. so who does not think like we ought to be eliminated is it that is not the kill, and destroy what would make a better tomorrow and maybe not everyone wants to better tomorrow for what buszmenowi mathematics writing since I can guarantee him a better life and returning to their environment for what it is since you will not know what edible plants are not able to hunt so so but it will be able to write


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